About Us


The Peace For Preston Foundation aspires to contribute to the improvement of the City of Chicago to build a safe, sustainable, equitable and more secure future for all. 


Peace For Preston Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and enrichment to the City of Chicago for youth and communities through established programs. Our mission is to uphold the legacy of Aréanah Preston, and her effortless work to inspire youth, empower communities and protect the future of the next generation. 

Truly deciated to Chicago's youth, Officer Aréanah M. Preston would often take the time to read to the children in her local community. #PeaceForPreston


According to the Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention, violent crimes by youth occur most frequently in the after school hours on school days and in the evenings on non-school days. “On non-school days, the incidence of violence committed by youth increases through the afternoon and early evening hours, peaking between 6pm and 9pm. Consequently, efforts to reduce offending by youth after school would appear to have greater potential to decrease a community’s violent crime rate than curfews” (OJJDP, 2022). 

Four Chicago teenagers are responsible for Aréanah’s murder.  While we are troubled by Aré’s murder, it is even more troubling that this was done at the hands of youth in our very own community.  We can’t help but wonder the support these youth had, or the lack thereof, that caused this tragedy. 

Fueled by the pain of losing such a phenomenal being and the statistics impacting our youth, the Peace For Preston Foundation is committed to establishing a community center on the city’s South Side to provide a safe haven and quality programs and enrichment.

The Peace For Preston Foundation seeks to build a Community Center to offer supports and services including, but not limited to:

OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book. Online. Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/offenders/qa03301.asp?qaDate=2019. Released on April 18, 2022.
